Registrations are now open for both team and individual events, and many entries are expected from different nationalities.
At this moment, about a thousand athletes from all over the country and from five different nationalities (Spain, England, Slovakia, Canada and Mexico) are registered for the Ultra Trilhos dos Abutres Idealmed, 47 kilometres long, and for the Trilhos dos Abutres Decathlon/Coimbra, 23 kilometres long.
On January 25th, the biggest race will take place, Ultra Trilhos dos Abutres Idealmed, with a distance of 47 kilometres and 2,100 metres of positive climbing, and Trilhos dos Abutres Decathlon/Coimbra, with 23 kilometres.
The event also includes a 10-kilometre walk on the same day, which ends inside the Biological Park of Serra da Lousã, a Tertulia about trail running at Sr. Falcão's shop in the evening and a youth race on the following day (26th), called Trilhos Júnior José Godinho/Piclima (in honour of the former president of the Vila Nova Town Council), for participants aged 06-16 years old.